Sunday, March 17, 2013

Homemade Kale Chips!

At school on Friday, a colleague of mine asked me if I'd like to try the Kale Chips he had made!  Always game for things that might be healthy, I took him up on his offer!  I really, really liked them!  He told me how easy they were to make, so I put on my best Chef face and gave it a try today!  For those of you who have never had the pleasure of eating at our house...I send Chris out to the grill with something to cook and I make a salad or steam veggies!  Cooking is not a strong point for me!  I will say, however, that these came out great!  And for someone like me who would be most happy diving in to a very salty bag of potato chips on a daily basis (which by the way, I don't do), these were a really tasty, crispy, salty replacement!

So here's the recipe according to Jason.

One head of Kale.  Washed and chopped.  I used my handy dandy salad spinner!

Next, mix the kale with ONE TABLESPOON of Olive Oil.  I placed the kale in the bag and added the tablespoon of oil and then shook it a lot!  (I did this in two batches- 1/2 a tablespoon of oil for each half of the kale!)

Spread the kale out on two cookie sheets.  (I pre-treated the pans with spray on cooking oil).  Once spread out, sprinkle with about a teaspoon of salt.  I didn't measure this, I just did a lot of shaking with this:

...because I had it in the house, and I really like it.  You could use any type of seasoning that you like!  My next adventure with these may be with garlic salt!

Next you put them in the oven for approximately 45 - 50 minutes at 225 degrees.  Check them at 30 minutes to see how it's going.  Also, swap the two pans from top to bottom at this time.

When they are done, they are light and airy, and very crispy!  The salt is a bonus!  : )

Thanks to my friend Jason for sharing this recipe with me!  I would never have made them without a little prodding!!!!  Enjoy!


  1. Thanks Diane-- I have a bunch of kale in the fridge just dying to be turned into chips! dave Bowley

    1. Dave, you're a cook! These will be easy for you!
